March Artwalk Tonight!!

I am currently a director and past president of the new Art Center Cooperative Inc. Tonight we will be opening our second location to the public for artwalk. Come join us. I will bounce back and forth between to two. But call my cell to catch up with me. 904 535-6949 . Also click here: The Art Center to learn more about us.

The Art Center Cooperative Inc. will open two locations tonight for the Artwalk.

Location 1: The Art Center Gallery @ the Carling, 31 W. Adams Street. Featured Artist: Leigh Murphy. Come visit her and out 25 other Center artists exhibited in that space. There are 6 studios that will will be open and available for viewing.

Painting by Leigh Murphy

Location 2: The Art Center Gallery @ the Bryan Builidng, 229 Hogan Street (next to Hemming Plaza Jeweler-corner of Hogan & Monroe). Local Jacksonville artists will be featured throughout the building. There will live spoken word performances thoughout the night. Also there will be models and artists painting throughout the show.


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