Monotype & Sugarlift Printmaking Workshop in Carmel Valley, CA

(Photo #1- Evelyn Klein (Instructor) pulling a giant monotype at the end of class)

Right before I left for Jacksonville, FL to attend the opening for my Strive show at the Karpeles Manuscript Museum, I attended a fabulous printmaking workshop conducted by Evelyn Klein of Equinox Press in Carmel Valley, CA. The purpose of the workshop was mainly to teach advanced printmakers the monotype and sugarlift etching technique.

(Photo #2- Workshop mates all reviewing our plates after the ground had been applied to the dried sugar mixture under the careful eye of our instructor.)

It was an intense weekend but also alot of fun! What I really loved is that with sugarlift you are basically using sweet condensed milk to make the image. This helps me bridge the gap between my painting style and my prints.

The workshop took place October 27 & 28th from 9-4 pm. We covered alot and I think in just two days I pulled 8 prints, and made 2 etching plates as well as 1 plexiglass plate. I gained alot of raw material to make future works. This was a great experience for me. Thanks Evelyn and all my new printmaker friends!!

(Photo #3 (left) -Instructor Evelyn Klein demonstrating how to apply the ground to our plates.)

(Photo #4 (right)-After the first day of workshop , the attendees shared a wonderful dinner at the instructors home.)


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