The Evolution of "Balancing Act"-Part 1

Sometimes saving a painting can take it somewhere new. For the longest time something about the image below bothered me. I couldn't put my finger on it but I felt that I hadn't solved the problems of the composition. Therefore, I hesitated in exhibiting this painting for about two years now. However, in an attempt to have it ready for my upcoming show (see sidebar under-"Upcoming Shows"), I decided to finally rework the image.

"Balancing Act-Work in Progress"
c. Princess Simpson Rashid
Acrylic on Board

So what did I like and want to keep about the painting?

1. The "circles" in the upper right hand corner.

2. The yellow values in the upper portion of the painting.

So what bothered me exactly?

1. The green color. It was all wrong. The problem here is not the "green" color per se, its the value of green. So, I had to experiment with different blues and yellows to make the right greens.

2. The blue in the lower half of the painting. It's too strong and there's not enough value changes. (Actually, what I realized later is that the blue was only offensive to me in relation to the green color used. If I could find the right green value, then I think I could solve all my problems with the painting).

3. The "boat" reference in the upper left hand side of the image. I was trying to suggest a boat but I didn't like that the "water-line" was approximately halfway in the painting. I didn't want the painting to be static with a boring composition. So, a part of me fought the boat reference and ultimately I just couldn't make the painting work.

4. Also the spots of red. Again, I think my problem with the red involved the way it related to the green and blue surrounding it.


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