A Bit of Studio Nostagia (Part 3)

You may be wondering what the big deal is. Why was this studio space so special to me?

[Photo Credit-Lindsey Klinger, c.2009]

Well to start, I really pushed my working process in that space. I produced a considerable amount of paintings there and it was the largest private studio space I've had so far. I think even more importantly was that I started leasing it a month before my last child was born. And that was like a leap of faith.

[Photo Credit-Lindsey Klinger, c.2009]

Back then, I wasn't sure that I would even have time to use the space with a new baby at home not to mention a 7 year old. The main problem with having a studio outside the home is physically getting to it to work.

[Photo Credit-Lindsey Klinger, c.2009]

But I have to say, with the support and encouragement of my husband, who was in a demanding graduate program at the time, I was able to carve out a few blocks of uninterrupted time a week for most of that year. I would come home refreshed and more energized to be the mother and wife my family needed. That was great! Now I'm on to find the magic again in Tampa, FL.


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