About This Blog! How can I improve it for you?

Hey everyone, I'm making some improvements to this blog for the upcoming year. Let me know how I can improve it for you.

  • What do you want to read more about?
  • What do you want to see more of?

I want you coming back for more and more of your art news. Here's my new mission statement below. I wanted to keep it short and sweet but give you an overview of what the focus will be for the next year. Could it be clearer? Let me know.

Here's my new intro.

Welcome to the Medici Club.

My name is Princess Simpson Rashid. I'm an American artist currently based in Tampa , FL.

My art focuses on science, math, music and energy. Oh yeah..and sport-fencing! What can I say, I'm a Renaissance woman!

This blog focuses on my work and the work of other artists that inspire me. On topic comments are welcome and appreciated.

Join me!
What do you think?


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