CREEAK!!! Opening my oil paint box...Back to Work!
Finally unpacking my paint. I really needed to open this box. Just opening it started to cut through the malaise I've been feeling. Ah!!!! That smell!
I love the smell of linseed oil in the morning! opposed to Napalm!
Apparently, so does my 1 year old. She couldn't keep her hand off the box. Luckily all that paint is dry! But hopefully there will be fresh paint on that palette this week!
I love the smell of linseed oil in the morning! opposed to Napalm!
And no, I don't lay my colors out carefully and orderly...maybe this year...but..... Probally not!
Happy New Years Yall! I'm excited. Let me know what kind of subject matter in paint you would like to see. I make no promises but to follow my heart. I hope that our desires meet up. Heh!