The Collage Commission Project

This month, I will introduce a new series of small paper collages that I will offer for $25.00 matted. I also offer you a chance to commission me to make a painting for you based on any of the small collages. 

The  main purpose of this project is to provide an entry level for potential new collections to begin investing in my work.

"Gray Fog"
Torn Magazine Papers
c. 2011 Princess Simpson Rashid
Available for Commission

The collages are really studies. I want to make the most out of each composition.
In attempting my own collage work,  I was repeatedly thinking how some of the results would make great paintings or collages in a larger size. So that's when I thought of encouraging you, my dear readers, to to use my collages also as spring boards for commissions of larger works.

When you see a piece you simply love, but would like to see it in an larger size and in a specific medium, then commission me. Contact me and I will send you a price list based on your specifications.

You may purchase available studies for $25.00.  Purchases can be made via PayPal.
  • The size for commissions start at 8 x 8"  and can be as large as your need and price point dictate. I am very flexible. Let me know what your needs and interests are.
  • Contact me for more information. I appreciate your support.

I must credit, Master Collagist,  Randy Plowman for stimulating my interest in collage.  For a few years now I have followed his  A Collage A Day blog.  His consistancy and quality of work have really inspired me.  His work is affordable and fun!   Check him out.


The Amsbaugs said…
Love the idea. Thank you for giving us a way to start our Princess collection.
Princess Rashid said…
No problem! I can't wait for your Princess collection to begin.I really appreciate your interest in my work. :-)

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